Monday, August 24, 2015


                                                    25. Vestigial
Vestigial refers to an organ that is not functional anymore, but used to be used by ancient ancestors. Vestigial organs provide a clue to what ancestors that animal or human was derived from. On my dog, his dew claw is a vestigial organ. A dew claw is the fifth claw on most dogs paws that is higher up on the leg than the other four claws. Most of the time his claw does not touch the ground and is useless is providing traction to the dog. 


                                                    24. Hydrophobic
This bottle of oil represents the term hydrophobic. Hydrophobic means repelling  water or insoluble in water. Oil is considered hydrophobic because when you try to mix it with water it will never mix. There will always be little bubbles of oil floating within the water. This is also because water is polar and oil in non polar. The water and oil molecules are not attracted to each other.

Adaptation of a plant

                                                    23. Adaptation of a plant
This is an apple and it represents the adaptation of a plant. Seeds are protected inside the flesh of the fruit. Animals then eat the fruit and the seed goes through their digestive tract. The seed is then dropped in another location to then grow into another plant. Many plants have adapted to this way of reproduction especially those that live on land and have no other way of dispersing their seeds for reproduction. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Lipids for energy storage

                                                    22. Lipids for energy storage
This is a picture of butter which represents lipids. Lipids are fatty acids that are used for energy storage, hormones and vitamins, and forming the membranes around cells. Butter is an example of a lipid because when it is consumed by humans it adds to fat which holds and stores energy. 

Unicellular organism

                                            21. Unicellular organism
This is a picture of a toilet which often contains the bacteria E.coli. E.coli is a unicellular organism. A unicellular organism only contains one cell and all of its functions are carried out within one cell. E.coli is a bacteria that is often found in human colons.


                                                    20. Exoskeleton

This is a picture of a crab. Crabs have an exoskeleton which is a skeleton on the outside of the body. For example, when the crab dies it often will leave behind its exoskeleton. That's why on the beach one might find what they think is a crab but it will actually just be a the exoskeleton of a dead crab.


                                                   19. Predation
This is a picture of a dragon fly. Dragon flies are an example of the term predation because they eat smaller insects. Predation is a symbiotic relationship between two organisms where one acts as a predator and captures and feeds on the prey. This is a mechanism of population control. When predators are scarce the population of prey should be large and vice versa. When the number of predators decline they change their hunting patterns and then predators rise again. As predators rise preys decline which leads to food scarcity for predators.